Zelluläre Biophysik und Translationale Kardiologie

Cellular Biophysics and Translational Cardiology Section

A major focus of the working group of Translational Cardiology are molecular mechanisms, which control muscle function and pathophysiological changes due to disease. We use a variety of techniques including biophysics, cell biology, molecular biology, high-resolution imaging (confocal and super resolution microscopy; voltage mapping), transgenic models and comprehensive phenotyping methods. In particular, calcium binding proteins and intracellular calcium signaling are a major interest. For example cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) calcium release channels, which control cardiac contraction and relaxation and modulate physiological stress adaptation during the fight-or-flight response.

On the other hand, RyR2 channel dysfunction contributes to heart failure, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death. We develop therapeutic options for RyR2 mutation carriers with the syndrome Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT), characterized by stress-induced syncope and sudden death. Because RyR2 and other calcium binding proteins can directly contribute to cardiac and other disease forms, the molecular and cellular mechanisms are investigated. A large part of our research activities is "translational" by nature and contributes to increased understanding of the molecular basis of diseases like heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Additionally, novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies are developed and tested.

Our research group is located in the Heart Research Center Göttingen.

Aktuelle Publikationen


  • BioT-2470-UMG, internationaler Patentantrag 5.11.2024
  • optoRyR2 Patentantrag mit der Uni Bonn, Prof. Philipp Sasse (Optogenetik ist ein Querschnittsthema des MBExC)


Please feel free to send in a speculative application at any time.

Arbeitsgruppenleiter und SFB1002-Teilprojektleiter

Prof. Dr. Stephan E. Lehnart

Prof. Dr. Stephan E. Lehnart




Sekretariat Prof. Lehnart

Christiane Schulz


  • Raum: 5 A2 32

Clinical and Research Fellow

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Sören Brandenburg

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Sören Brandenburg


  • Facharzt für Innere Medizin

Research Scientist

Brian Foo


Associated Research Scientist

Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Kohl

Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Kohl


Medical Laboratory Technician

Brigitte Korff


Research Scientist

Mufassra Mushtaq

 Mufassra Mushtaq


Clinical and Research Fellow

Dr. Gabriel Riedemann


Medical Laboratory Technician

Timo Schulte



Dr. Ana Maria Vergel-Leon



med. PhD Student

Carolin Fleischhacker

 Carolin Fleischhacker


PhD Student

Anastasiia Gorshkova


PhD Student

Jumana Jaber

 Jumana Jaber


PhD Student

Lorenz Liebmann


med.dent. PhD Student

Marcel Rappöhn

 Marcel Rappöhn


Med. PhD Student Kim-Chi Vu

med. PhD Student

Jasper Wedemeyer


med. PhD Student

Justus Wegener

 Justus Wegener


med. PhD Student

Yannik Zühlke

 Yannik Zühlke


Ehemalige Mitglieder

Dana El Chami, Ph.D.

Gregory Antonios, Ph.D.
Research Scientist

Miroslav Dura, Ph.D.
Research Scientist

Sarah Gockel
MD/PhD Student

Konstantin Gusev Ph.D.
E-Mail: kgusev(at)incras.ru
Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. med. Kristian Hellenkamp 
Oberarzt | Ambulanz für fortgeschrittene Herzinsuffizienz

Alex Johnston
PhD Student - IRTG 1816

Aruna Kalyanasundaram
PhD Student

Dr. Daniel Kownatzki-Danger
Research Scientist

Lina Paola Baena Lozada 
Medical Laboratory Technician

Jonas Peper
Ph.D. student

Nour Raad, MD. Ph.D.

Dipl.-Biol. Julia Hanni Steinbrecher
General Electric (GE) Healthcare

Dr. Jan-Hendrik Streich
Medical Advisor, Novartis Pharma GmbH

Dennis Uhlenkamp
Ph.D. student

Dr. rer. nat. Eva Wagner
Research Scientist

PD Jörg Wegener
Research Scientist

Dr. rer. nat. Silvio Weber
Research Group Leader, TU Dresden, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel 

Dr. rer. nat. Gunnar Weninger
Research Scientist

Erdem Yilmaz
Ph.D. Student

Nina Zaremba
PhD Student

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